Fund-raisers hold ball to raise over £30,000 for breast cancer charity

FUND-RAISERS at Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven (WBUH) held its first ever ball and started Breast Cancer Awareness Month in style by raising £30,004.25 for the charity.

WBUH, the only breast cancer charity in Worcestershire, welcomed almost 300 guests to its Perfectly Pink Ball at The Bank House in Worcester.

Guests danced the night away, bid in an auction and had the first viewing of a brand-new charity video which powerfully described the work of the Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven.

Lexi Craigie, charity director for WBUH said: “Whether you were a guest, a sponsor, donated a raffle or auction prize, part of the entertainment or behind the scenes, thank you so much, you all contributed towards making the event a huge success .

“The charity team is beyond delighted with the amount raised which will go to help women and men in Worcestershire with breast cancer.

“For every one pound raised, 80p goes directly to our patients and helping them at different stages of breast cancer, whether it’s a patient support pack for them, a mastectomy bra, information leaflets or funding complementary therapies such as reflexology and acupuncture as recommended by our wonderful NHS breast care nurses here at the

Worcestershire Breast Unit, we are thrilled that the ball raised this sum to help fund this support.”

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